Growth Chart

Most moms notice times when their babies just can’t seem to get enough to eat. Increased hunger is the usual sign of growth spurts. During the first year, there are plenty of them. Expect a lot of growth at 10 days to 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months.
Growth slows a bit, but your baby will add an average of four to five inches and gain about half a pound per month.
Expect Toddler to grow three to four inches and gain three to four pounds. By the time they turn 3, most kids have grown to about 50 percent of their ultimate adult height.
By the end of this year, your child will add another two to three inches, doubling his birth length.

Be an advocate for your child. See that he is measured for the height and weight at every doctor’s visit.
Make sure you and your doctor have an up-to-date growth chart.
Compare growth spurts from one visit to the next.
Take care that children are measured and marked similarly on each visit so results are not confusing or conflicting. Children up to 3 should be measured for length while lying down and should be weighed without diapers or clothing.
Maintain your own complete set of records.
See me grow baby ruler growth mat is perfect for marking growth spurts always having your own record. Ask your doctor for a copy of the chart.
Don’t over-read into measurements—doctors, as you should, look for trends over time, not singular spurts.
Examine all warning symptoms thoroughly.

Genetics: The number one factor is, of course, genetics – the blueprint each child is handed by their parents.
Diet: Proper, consistent nutrition is not only the greatest decider of health, it’s also the central influence for reaching ultimate growth potential.
Conditions: All possible conditions need to be tested for and understood so growth limiting factors don’t exist without treatment.
Exercise: Stronger muscles and bones come from more physical activity, and in turn allow for more growth as bones are capable of managing increased weight.
Rest: Sleepless nights don’t just affect parents – kids need their rest because the majority of growth hormones are secreted while sleeping.
Happiness: Stress, fear and anger can stunt growth by causing anxiety and tension that interfere with a growing body’s chemistry. A warm, loving environment is essential for maximum growth.